Society & Culture & Entertainment Music

How to Join a Drumming Circle

Drumming circles have long since formed an integral part of African and Western cultures.
They consist of people playing a range of hand-drums and percussion instruments in a circle.
Drumming circles range in size, from thousands of musicians to just a handful.
Typically, the lead drummers will lay down a rhythm for the circle to follow.
Other musicians then join in, following their lead.
These types of activities are great for bringing people from a community together.
Circles have grown in popularity because they offer equality - there is no head or tail, and people of all ages and abilities can join.
The main objective is to share a passion for music and enjoy the rhythm.
Joining a drumming circle is a great way to explore your creativity.
By learning a few simple notes and concentrating on keeping in time with the circle is great for your concentration and non-verbal communication skills.
With a drumming circle there is no talk of what you will play that day.
It all stems from a single beat and people joining in.
If you want to join a drumming circle, it is extremely easy.
Many local community centres will have a drumming circle so do your research.
If there isn't a circle in your area, why not start one? Put up notices in local community centres and get a small group of people together.
You can get started with only a few members - all you need is a variety of African instruments.
Combining different drums and percussion instruments will help add depth and dimension to any drumming circle.
This will also appeal to people of all ages and abilities.
If the instruments vary, every time you meet you will produce a difference sound.
As long as you can establish a steady pulse with a large paddle drum, or produce a steady consistent beat with a number of djembes; your circle is well on its way.
If you are not particularly confident, start with a small percussion shaker and join in as and when you can.
Eventually you will fall into the rhythm and realise that each instrument is integral to the sound.
As your skill and confidence grows, you will be able to play more often or with a different instrument.
As well as being great for developing skills and feeling part of a community; drumming circles are often used as music therapy.
The feeling of being part of a community creates a wellness amongst players.
Drum circles have been known to help stroke victims, cancer suffers, people looking to break addictions and just about anyone.
Being part of a community helps people feel like they belong.
This coupled with a new found skill, is great for everyone.

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