Health & Medical Nutrition

What You Eat Not Only Makes You Fat, But Also Makes You Sick - Part II

The American diet rich in fat, animal protein, and highly processed foods are shortening our life span and directly contributing to our obesity pandemic.
Heart attacks are now the number one killer in the US.
Before the 1900s North America this diet consisted mostly of foods grown in local gardens and nearby family farms, supplemented with a few staples from the general store most of these foods were holding some and is close to nature as possible, with very little preservatives and other refined ingredients.
Our great-grandparents never had thousands of deceptively beautifully packaged highly refined food products lining the Isles of their supermarket.
And there was no fast food restaurants on every corner! The staple of their diets were whole-grain products that you find in a wheat and other grains growing in nearby family farms.
Most people at freshly cooked food and homemade bread prepared in your own kitchen.
Their diets consisted of very high fiber foods, and foods low in sugar and calories.
These nutritious high-fiber foods made up 53% off their daily calorie intake.
How times have changed! Our habits and taste buds have changed and no crave into high sugar, highly refined, highly salted, no fiber foods.
A nutritious high-fiber food now represent less than 24% of our daily calorie intake of fat and sugar intake has increased upwards of 300%.
So how did we reach from where we were to where we are today? And what can be done to turn things around as far as our diets are concerned? I always believe that proper education about what we eat, when we, how we eat is the key to preventative medicine.
As most people learn that refined highly processed foods stripped fiber and nutrients from our foods, many are winning to consider change.
Today people are more health-conscious, and aware of the relationship between food and obesity and other major autoimmune diseases.
People are increasingly giving up animal products and highly refined foods in exchange for a plant-based diet is rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals.
For weight loss, and improved health you to should consider a diet high in fiber and low in calories.
The only diet that can achieve this objective is a plant-based vegetarian diet.

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