Home & Garden Gardening

What Does it Mean If My Lawn Is High in Potassium?


    • Before you apply fertilizer to your lawn, you need to consider how much space you need to cover. According to LawnFertilizers.com, you can calculate how much fertilizer you will need to cover your lawn for an entire year.

    NPK Ratio

    • The three main chemical elements in lawn fertilizer are always described in terms of a ratio N-P-K. Nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). For example, a fertilizer labeled as 16-0-8 has 16 percent nitrogen, 0 percent phosphorus, and 8 percent potassium. This ratio is important to know when considering how to treat your lawn. Potassium reduces loss of water in grass blades and strengthens it as well.


    • Potassium in fertilizer can be called by its periodic table name K. This element may be applied to your lawn with muriate potash.


    • According to OhioLine.OSU.edu, "potassium is included in the cation exchange capacity (CEC), which measures the capacity of the soil to hold exchangeable cations (nutrients). The other cations are, hydrogen, calcium, and magnesium. The higher the CEC value, the more nutrients the soil is able to hold against leaching. An important ratio within the soil is the magnesium to potassium ratio. This ratio should be greater than 2 to 1. High K frequently reduces a plants uptake of magnesium." This may cause a yellow color along with reduced growth because of diminished chlorophyll which minimizes photosynthesis.


    • According to Agry.Purdue.edu, "adding potassium can burn leaf blades, so apply in cool, dry weather and water the area soon after application." To find out the condition of your soil, purchase a soil test kit at a home improvement store. Adding more nitrogen and phosphorus will do the trick. Their staff can also advise how to balance your soil if you are high in potassium. Check the websites of some of the chain stores for more advice.

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