Insurance Auto Insurance & Registration

Different Requirements Of Auto Insurance

Missouri auto insurance laws require that each motor vehicle owners have 25/50/10 automobile insurance.
This means $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident for bodily injury and $10,000 for property damage.
Any costs arising from an accident, you have caused, over those amounts must come out of your pocket if you do not have more coverage that these basic amounts.
To put it more clearly, if there were say four people in the other car that were injured from an accident that was your fault, they could receive a total of $50,000, not $25,000 each.
The insurance would cover two of the victims, not all four.
Therefore, the extra cost would have to be paid by you personally under Missouri auto insurance laws.
Because of the large number of accidents in Missouri, that are caused by uninsured drivers, it has cause the insurance rates to increase considerably.
Although all Missourians are required to present proof of insurance at the time of registering the automobile or renewing their license plates, unfortunately many let it lapse.
Missouri insurance laws also require vehicle owners to carry uninsured motorist coverage in the amount of $25,000 per person for bodily injury and $50,000 per accident.
If you let your insurance lapse the MVD is notified and you may be notified to provide proof of insurance.
If this is not complied with other actions are taken.
Unlike many states there are options to the type of insurance that you must carry.
In addition to the regular insurance policy you can have a self-insured ID card which the Dept.
Of Revenue issues.
To obtain this card you must have over 25 vehicles and be able to prove you can pay for any damages they might cause.
It is also possible to provide a surety bond or some other type of security in the amount of $60,000 which is registered with the Department of Revenue.
Also accepted is a registered real estate bond.
It is illegal to drive in the state without proof of insurance in the vehicle at all times.
All insurance agents in the state must file a form with the state on the 7th day of each month, listing all insured drivers who have let their policy lapse.
This state, as many others, issues points against your driving record for certain offenses.
For example, a conviction on driving without liability insurance, and a conviction, will cost you four points.
It only takes eight points within a year and a half to lose your driver's license all together under Missouri auto insurance laws.

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