Is there a relationship between curcuma longa, commonly called turmeric and acne? What steps should acne sufferers take? Let's take a look at what researchers have to say.
It depends somewhat on the type and the severity of the condition.
Common acne affects most teenagers.
Cystic acne is more serious and often lasts throughout a person's life.
Almost everyone has blemishes or pimples on an occasional basis.
Pimples are simply a minor infection of the hair follicle or pores of the skin.
A more serious, but similar infection is a boil.
While blemishes can be painful and there is a tendency to scar, the most serious side effects of the condition are psychological; decreased self-esteem and depression.
Because of this, aggressive treatment is recommended.
But, medical treatment may be unnecessary, if the issues of infection and inflammation are addressed.
There are some causes over which we have no control.
Hormonal changes for example are a part of life.
But, there are things that we can do to prevent inflammation and infection.
In a scientific study concerning turmeric and acne, researchers showed that curcuma longa inhibits the activity of Propionibacterium acnes, the bacteria that causes acne by inducing inflammation.
Several plants have both antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activity.
Curcuma long is one of them.
Researchers have also taken another look at diet.
For years, older family doctors told teenagers under their care to avoid greasy, sugary foods.
In more recent times, dermatologists advised their patients that diet was not a factor.
Now, it appears that the older docs were making pretty good suggestions.
Now, dermatologists are saying diet "might" be a factor.
Within the last decade, scientists have found that inflammatory molecules play a role in a variety of different diseases.
Some foods stimulate the production of inflammatory molecules, while others stimulate the production of anti-inflammatory molecules or contain nutrients that have anti-inflammatory activity.
As was shown in the study concerning turmeric and acne, some plant foods, particularly spices have natural antibacterial activity as well.
This helps explain why some diets are healthier than others, why some people are frequently ill, while others are rarely sick.
When it comes to reducing the risk of acne or reducing the number of breakouts, the best diet appears to be one that has a low glycemic index.
The glycemic index is used to measure the effect that carbohydrates have on blood sugar levels.
What do blood sugar levels have to do with turmeric and acne? Blood sugar stimulates the secretion of insulin, which through a complex chemical process contributes to acne formation.
Eating some carbohydrates (corn flakes, baked potato, white bread and popular cereals like Rice Krispies) causes high blood sugar levels.
Others like fruits, vegetable, grainy breads, pasta and beans have a low glycemic index, because they do not cause such a sharp rise in blood sugar.
Turmeric naturally lowers blood sugar levels.
Other nutrients are very important, including vitamin A and E.
The best advice is to take a good dietary supplement.
Add a daily dose of turmeric and acne may resolve itself more quickly.
The better supplements contain the basic vitamins, along with plant extracts.
That's the best value for your money and could reduce your need for other treatments.
Visit my website today to learn about a multi-nutritional supplement I've discovered that I'd like to share with you.