There's a simple way you can help protect your sight now and in the future - by including in your diet more lutein for the eyes.
Lutein is one of 600 or so carotenoids found in plants, yet it and its relative zeaxanthin are the only two carotenoids found in the lens and retina of our eyes.
Studies are confirming the critical role this nutrient plays in our visual health.
There are two major reasons why consuming lutein for the eyes can protect and improve the health of our sight.
- It is an antioxidant that reduces free radical damage from oxidative stress.
- It is a yellow-colored pigment that can filter up to 90 percent of the damaging blue wavelengths of light, acting like natural "sunglasses" to protect our eyes.
Age Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD) The macula is the area of the retina responsible for our sharp central vision.
Those who suffer from ARMD lose the sight in the center of their visual field, making recognizing people and reading impossible.
ARMD is the leading cause of blindness in people over the age of 50 in the U.
The retina of our eye uses more oxygen than any other tissue in our bodies.
Oxidative stress can wreak havoc if we don't have enough antioxidants in our systems to counteract the free radicals damaging our retina.
Lutein's antioxidant powers have been shown to reduce the oxidative damage to our retinas that can lead to ARMD.
Our retina is also damaged by the high-energy blue light portion of the visible spectrum.
These blue wavelengths can penetrate and damage tissues in both our eyes and skin.
Studies show that taking supplements of lutein for the eyes increases the density of the macular pigment, filtering the blue light and protecting the retina.
In one study, a 6 mg daily supplement resulted in a 43 percent lower incidence of ARMD.
Cataracts The lens of our eye is very susceptible to damage because the cells don't regenerate themselves.
Both oxidation and blue light can injure these cells, causing proteins to clump together and form cataracts.
Cataracts can advance from a slight clouding of the lens to completely blocking the passage of light.
They are the second leading cause of blindness after ARMD.
Studies are showing that healthy diets with high levels of lutein and other carotenoids are associated with lower risk of developing cataracts.
In fact, women with the highest dietary lutein intake had 22 percent less risk, and men had 19 percent less.
Poor Visual Function Though both ARMD and cataracts usually develop with age, poor vision can be a problem at any time of life.
Many things can stress our eyes.
Research is showing that eating more lutein in foods or supplements results in people with normal vision experiencing less glare, improved color vision, and sharper vision overall.
One study in China found that supplementing with 12 mg per day resulted in statistically significant improvement in visual function for people with long-term exposure to light from computer monitors.
The Wrap-Up The importance of lutein for the eyes becomes clearer every day.
It cannot be manufactured by our bodies, but must be taken in from food.
Besides some edible flowers, the sources highest in lutein are leafy greens, green peas, broccoli, green beans, various fruits, corn, and egg yolks.
I strongly believe the best thing we can do for our health is to eat plenty of whole fruits and vegetables.
Experts say we need at least 6 mg of lutein per day to experience beneficial effects.
That takes only one-third cup of spinach, but four cups of broccoli or six cups of green beans.
If you don't want to be up to your ears in broccoli, consider taking a quality nutritional supplement.
As an addition to your healthful diet, this is the easiest way to ensure your body is getting not only lutein, but many other nutrients it needs.