Health & Medical Health Care

Managing the Elderly Person Who Is Confused

Some elderly people suffer from confusion on a daily basis.
The approach that is taken with them can make a huge difference in how they respond to those around them and how easy or difficult it is to care for them.
There are some keys to managing this situation more successfully.
Even if you know the person well, take note of their behaviors and routine and try to stick to those as much as possible.
This helps in a couple of ways.
First, you are able to set up a schedule that close matches what they already do (very few changes).
Second, it helps you to identify changes that may be indicative of illness, dehydration, or a negative response to medication.
Begin every day with orientation to the elderly person's surroundings.
It helps to have a clock and calendar in every room so that they can reorient themselves if they are able.
If the person argues that the day, date, time, etc.
are different, simply agree.
This is not unusual.
Take note, though, of what year they think it is.
This can often be key to what happens throughout the day.
If they think it is fifty years ago, they may spend the day worrying about what time their children will be home from school.
Keep the environment as clean and organized as possible.
It helps when the person is able to follow a routine by finding the same objects in the same location each time.
This helps with orientation and also helps with independence in completing everyday tasks such as bathing, grooming, and dressing.
Keep the auditory environment as clean and organized as possible, also.
This means that the noise level should be relatively quiet and that conversations should be calm and quiet.
If there are times during the day that the household is noisier, be sure that there is a quiet place where the person can go to get away from this noise and confusion.
You will probably need to direct the person to this quieter area.
Keep in mind that confusion can lead to what appears to be combative behavior.
Always approach the person from the front and explain what you are about to do before beginning.
Use simple statements ("I am going to help you get a clean shirt on.
"), wait to be sure that the person has had time to think about what you have said, and then begin to help them.
Do not start by asking the person a question ("Do you want to put on a clean shirt?") Questions are more difficult to understand and you may not get the answer you are looking for anyway.
The same is true when it comes to selecting activities.
Do not ask questions ("What would you like to do?") Either provide two choices or simple select an activity and proceed ("We are going to go for a walk.
") Always remember that changes in routine, changes in medication, and/or illness can effect how someone with confusion responds.
Take note of changes in behavior and try to identify what might be causing them.

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