Blogging has become insanely popular in recent years, and all indications are that it is here to stay.
But very few bloggers actually make money from their blogs.
In this article I will discuss how to make money blogging.
Here are some quick tips: 1.
First and foremost, in order to make money blogging you must get traffic to your site.
This is indeed the hardest step, and familiarity with Internet marketing is essential for success.
If you are not a veteran marketer, it might do well for you to get some of the top tools on Internet marketing to get you on your way.
It is likely that there are quite a few marketing tactics you could employ which you are not aware of.
Some quick basic tips for getting more traffic to your blog are a) rewriting your posts and posting them on article directories, b) posting on forums with your blog in your signature, and c) submitting to blog directories and RSS feeds.
Once the traffic starts pouring into your site, one of the easiest methods for making money is by signing up with Google AdSense.
These types of ads are low maintenance, since all you do is paste the code, and the system will automatically post the most relevant ads for your site.
Do not flood your site with AdSense ads, since this could lower the payout rate for your clicks and consequently lower your income.
I would recommend putting them in 2 or 3 prominent spots, but no more.
Along with your AdSense ads, you will want to join some affiliate marketing programs and put up some ads to some products.
You can even review these products and recommend them if you like, but be aware that if you do this, you must provide a disclosure statement on your site stating that you provide affiliate links to products you recommend (see the new FTC rules on affiliate marketing).
Finally, once your blog is somewhat popular, many people will actually pay you to write reviews of their products.
To find these people, go to sites like reviewme.
Take your blog seriously and approach it as if you are running a business, since you are.
It will help a lot to buy a guide or two, and fortunately many bloggers who have had success sell their tips online.
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