Do you want to know some really hard home truths about network marketing statistics? Some people are under the impression that marketing online is really easy.
That is because they have been mentored by professional marketing gurus using some time tried and eventually profitable marketing strategies.
However, there is something your guru has not told you.
So look at the information given below about the statistics pertaining to marketing online and online business.
• Marketing through a network is eventually going to get you to the top, but that is only if you recruit an unknown number of recruits into your fold! The operative word is "unknown" and it may possibly be in the hundreds, or even more! • Now the first point in network marketing is the "hard sell" procedure.
One going about this business is going to explode like a rocket in all possible ways.
The idea is that there is someone out there who may be interested enough in the product.
If you manage to reach that person and influence him in such a way that he decides to buy or advertise your products or services, well, you have done a good day's work.
• The only problem here is that to reach that potential client or recruit, you need to persuade a large number of other possibly skeptic future online marketing newbies.
Many of them are going to drop off on the wayside.
A large number of them are going to lose interest because they have not seen visible profits overnight.
There are just a few who are going to stay the course in an enthusiastic and dedicated manner.
This is unfortunately a true fact of life, in network marketing statistics.
So the vicious circle is going to continue on and on.
You need to recruit more and more people in order to get access to that one dedicated focused marketeer.
• Now we come to the amount of time taken to have your business up and moving in a potentially profitable manner.
As Rome was not built on a day, your online business is not going to be built overnight; those who have reached the top have been labouring day in day out, for months, to build up their business.
And as their business needs a continual flow of new recruits, you need to sign up at least one new member in your work force every day! These statistics should give you a modest estimate of the time it takes to get your business up and going.
Backbreaking hard work for the next five years, hoping against hope to employ those sort of people who are consistently going to be giving you good results...
these are just some of the stepping-stones on which your network business is going to stand.
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