Health & Medical Women's Health

Yeast Infections During Or Before Menstrual Period

Yeast infections are very common right before or when you are having your period.
The truth is that a healthy vagina usually is a host of many organisms that live there harmoniously.
The acidic environment helps keep all the organisms in check.
In a normal menstrual period, hormonal changes occur that cause glycogen in the cells to be deposited in the vaginal walls.
Since yeast feed primarily on sugar, then it is able to quickly multiply and sometimes an overgrowth occurs resulting in a yeast infection.
Another reasons is that during your period, hormonal changes in your body cause a disruption of the vaginal ph resulting in the healthy bacteria being destroyed and therefore creating a friendly environment for the yeast to multiply.
The change in the ph also disrupts the immune system and this is also another cause why during your period the yeast is able to multiply excessively.
There is no reason on why you should not treat your infection when you are having your period.
Just keep in mind that tampons will absorb any medication that you decide to take so it is best to use sanitary napkins/ pads at this time.
Here are some things you need to know when you are dealing with a yeast infection while on your period.
It is best to abstain from sex during until you are totally cured.
If you suspect your partner has yeast too, make sure you both get treated to avoid passing it to each other again.
It is important to make sure that you treat your yeast infection in a timely manner.
It is a big mistake to ignore it hoping that it is going to go away.
It is very rare that it goes away on its own.
If left untreated, it will turn chronic and it will be very hard to treat even with strong medication.
If you are looking for a way to get rid of your yeast infection forever, consider natural home remedies that are used by most people.
There are many advantages of using natural methods over medication such as, natural methods are more effective, natural methods treat the reason for yeast infection and not just the symptoms and the chances of the infection coming back are minimal with home remedies compared to medication.

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