There are a number of ways that smokers have used to become non smokers.
They all work with varying levels of success.
Some require drugs, some require indifference to pain, and some require learning some new techniques for changing your mental attitudes.
Each method will have it's critics and supporters.
Each method has a list of successes and failures.
So choosing which method will work right for you can just be a trial and error process.
If you are the type of person that believes in some kind of magic bullet medication that will cure any physical problems you have, then trying a drug based approach to quitting smoking might be something for you to try first.
See your doctor and ask for the currently fashionable drug that they recommend for stopping smoking.
In the past they have used Chantix, Wellbutrin, and Zyban to help smokers quit.
There have been problems associated with these drugs.
They have side effects that you should take into consideration as to how they can affect your lifestyle.
One of those drugs has been associated with car wrecks as patients have fallen asleep behind the wheel as a result of the drug.
Another drug has suicidal thoughts as a side affect and another causes weight gain.
So be aware that there could be some serious downsides to using some of these drugs to stop smoking.
Other side affects are: * nausea (about 1/3) * flatulence (smelly gas) * constipation * abnormal dreams * difficulty sleeping * headache * anxiety * insomnia * dry mouth * irritability * seizures (happen rarely) Another stop smoking aid is called nicotine replacement or NRT.
The theory behind this process is to keep your body hooked on nicotine and gradually lesson your dosage.
The most common forms of this stop smoking aid is the patch, the gum, and nasal spray.
And of course there are side affects with using this form of quitting as well.
They include, * sleep difficulties (patches) * abnormal dreaming (patches) * skin reactions (patch) * jaw pain (gum) * nose irritation (nose spray) And a third stop smoking aid is hypnosis to quit smoking.
Using hypnosis to quit smoking is about learning how to use your mind properly to get results.
You can achieve hypnosis in a number of different ways.
Some people quit smoking by learning how to use self hypnosis.
Others train themselves to be non smokers by listening to hypnosis CDs.
And there are those who use the help of a stop smoking hypnotist.
I listed these hypnosis alternatives from least costly to most costly.
But the truth is that smoking is extremely expensive.
And when you quit, no matter how much you spend, it doesn't cost you anything.
Because whatever money you spend on quitting smoking, you'd probably spend far more by continuing to smoke.
There are no side affects to using hypnosis to quit smoking.
Only side benefits.
And these side benefits include: * best sleep of your life * improved self esteem * improved self confidence * sense of more control * able to use these techniques for other problems * able to leap tall buildings with a single bound (no, just kidding) So the choice is up to you.
It's important to know that whichever stop smoking aid you choose, if you're successful, great! If not, try another.
It is a trial and error process and you continue to learn how to do it better.
Think about becoming a non smoker as practicing for anything that's worthwhile and requires some developing skills.
The most valuable lesson I'd like you to take away from this article is that you can succeed as long as you continue along in your quest to be a non smoker.
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