What next? ADHD drugs are now being used for other purposes now! Let me give you some examples.
Students use them illegally to help them study all night before exams.
Celebrities like Lindsay Lohan is using Adderall to keep her weight down.
Teenagers are using the whole range of ADHD drugs to get high, so much so that 'pharming' is quite a profitable niche on the school parking lot! No wonder the adult ADHD patient feels a little disorientated and the parents of children with ADHD are wisely seeking alternative therapies which are natural and non-addictive.
The ADHD patient, whether he is a child or an adult, needs a lot more than pills to help them cope with life.
Experts now tell us that the only effective treatment which has lasting results is some kind of behavior therapy or behavior modification which will help the child to recognize good behavior from bad.
When we look at the negative effects of drugs like Ritalin, taken over the long term, we are shocked to realize what it can do to an ADHD patient.
Anything from heart attacks, strokes, high blood pressure, increase in aggressive behavior, suicidal thoughts are all on the black box warnings.
Diet for the ADHD patient is another important element in treatment of ADHD.
We should avoid processed foods as much as we can.
There is also the possibility that a vitamin deficiency may not be helping things at all.
ADHD children are more likely to be lacking in zinc and iron which are essential elements for healthy brain development.
The Omega 3 fatty acids are also important and we will not find them at all in a sugary snack or even in a bar of chocolate! If we do not want to feed our kids oily fish, there are pharmaceutical grade supplements of Omega 3 readily available.
The more fresh air and green time an ADHD patient will get , the more they will benefit and in fact studies show that children are much more likely to throw a temper tantrum in a shopping mall than in a green field or park.
Getting exercise is a great way to get rid of excess energy and can lessen hyperactivity and also improve sleep patterns at night.
Looking at natural herbal remedies for ADHD, the homeopathic remedies have had enormous success and there must be a reason for that.
It is quite simply that there are no side effects and the risk of addiction is nil.
It also allows the ADHD patient to be treated properly in other areas such as the all important area of behavior modification.
The homeopathic remedy will restore balance, help focus and concentration.
Certainly it is worth checking out.
Millions of parents cannot be wrong.
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