Health & Medical Lose Weight

Reasons Behind Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Sexually transmitted diseases could be the most controversial and hotly debated types of diseases. There is a lot of misinformation, exaggerated incidents and downright lies around that could confuse anyone wanting to find out information about sexually transmitted diseases. One of the most important issues about STDs is that most of these STDs do not present any external symptoms or issues for the longest time, and in some cases, it might be too late to cure the disease once the external symptoms hit. Many think that one can contract STDs only via sexual intercourse, but nothing is farther from the truth. Here are reasons behind STDs apart from intercourse.

Blood transfusion is the major cause of sexually transmitted diseases - even AIDS - apart from intercourse. Therefore, one needs to be very careful about attending blood donation camps and other such activities that will have anyone prick a needle into their blood stream. The usage of needles and razors are two of the major reasons behind STDs. In fact, in many countries, it is illegal for a barber to use the same razor more than once, making it compulsory for barbers to use disposable razors.

Another major cause of STDs is the transfer of body fluids other than semen, like saliva, blood and in some cases, even breast milk. These liquids are excellent carriers of the STD viruses, and a mother who is suffering from an STD can infect her child via breastfeeding. Other STDs are infused from mother to child during childbirth itself. Some STDs can be transferred through saliva, therefore the usage of common utensils and cutlery might be another reason of someone contracting a sexually transmitted disease. You should also be careful about any medical processes that you might be going through, as many STDs can transfer into your being because of faulty IV injections, surgical instruments, etc. Others might contract STDs during organ transplant too.

The most infamous cause of sexually transmitted diseases is of course, sexual intercourse. It is a misconception that one can contract a STD just while vaginal intercourse. Some STDs can transfer themselves during oral sex and unnatural sex too. In fact, sometimes the STD virus does not even use the intimate parts of the bodies as carriers; they can do the job of travelling from body to body via deep kissing too.

These are the main avenues through which STDs can make their way into a human body. Many of these STDs might remain dormant for a long while, and people might not even know that they have contracted a particular disease. STDs are quite serious, and if not recognized at the right time, can have some damning effects on the person. Therefore, one should visit a clinic that specialises in these medical cases as soon as they experience any symptom that might be the first ones of any STD.

Many people do not like to approach medical help because of the general shame about contracting such a disease, but if untreated, these can have some damning effects, and in some cases, even death.

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