Health & Medical Diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes: What"s Happening to Your Body?

Many processes happen when food is digested.
Sugar enters the bloodstream and this is a source of fuel for your body.
Your pancreas makes insulin in order that the glucose can be moved to liver cells, muscles, fat and your bloodstream.
Blood sugar levels in diabetics must be brought under control.
Diabetics have high blood glucose because their pancreas is malfunctioning and it cannot make enough insulin, or the cells which must have insulin in order to process sugars are not responding as they should, or sometimes both of those things.
The youngest victims of diabetes are kids.
Kids often learn how to handle diabetes remarkably well, but counseling may prove useful at the onset.
Some patients are diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when they are over 20.
In type ones, there is small amounts of insulin, or none at all.
Injections every 24 hours or a pump are needed to control symptoms and maintain health.
There is no cure, but progress is happening all the time.
Children's or adult's life expectancy can be normal, if diabetes of all types is kept under control.
The origin of diabetes is not known at this time, but autoimmune problems, viruses and hereditary may play a part.
If you get a diagnosis of type I diabetes, your doctor will tell you to check your blood sugar levels at home, probably several times a day.
The closer watch you can keep on it, the quicker you can fix a potentially serious eventuality.
Blood sugar monitors utilize a single drop of blood in order to analyse your glucose levels.
Monitoring your levels in your home tells you right away how well your regimen of medication, exercise and diet plan are working out.
There are several types of monitors and some don't need a finger prick.
Levels of blood sugar, which are acceptable, may be based on how old you are, so type 1 diabetes, may have a range of appropriate levels.
Check with your health care provider about what's correct for your child or loved one.
Looking at type I diabetes symptoms -- they can be kept under control by diet in a lot of cases.
You will need to gain knowledge about how much protein, fat and carbs, and in what proportions, must be included your diet.
In regards to diet, a registered dietitian can really help and can offer a lot of, maybe surprising tips on what you should eat for your diabetic health.
When you're a type I diabetic, regular meals are crucial to stabilizing your blood sugar levels.
These levels have to remain on an even keel and not be too high, or too low.
Check on your footwear.
Feet can become one of the casualties of being a diabetic but with proper care, they will take you through your life perfectly fine! Exercise at the same time every day, and monitor your blood glucose levels before and afterward.
Always carry some food that has a fast-acting carb in it -- and ask your dietitian in case you need it when exercising.

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