Health & Medical Nutrition

Water is Essential

Water is crucial for every activity of our metabolism.
It is essential in regulating bowel movement and helps in containing excessive eating patterns.
Water encourages a dramatic sense of well-being and energy and promotes increase in stamina.
Water in abundance will encourage the body to excrete excess sodium in order to decrease water retention in the body.
When you drink enough water you are less likely to be hungry.
In addition to satisfying your appetite, water supports in the metabolism of fats stored in the body.
Now the question is how do you commit to 8 glasses of water per day?Here is a few tips to help you get your 8.
  1. Drink one glass as soon as you wake up.
  2. Drink one glass after brushing your teeth
  3. Drink one glass when taking supplements or shakes.
  4. Drink one glass before working out.
  5. Drink one glass after working out.
  6. Drink one glass before lunch
  7. Drink one glass before dinner
  8. Drink one glass when my stamina diminishes.
  9. Additionally, Drink one glass when you notice your skin is dry.
It is a good idea to always keep a bottle of water at your desk or work area.
You can also think about a bottle in your car and in your beach bag.
Try using a large twelve-ounce glass instead of an eight-ounce glass; this will easily get you the water requirements for the day.

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