Throughout human history and culture, selected individuals from all different walks of life have cultivated the ability to live life to their highest potential.
They live by the truth that we are not human beings having a spiritual experience rather, spiritual beings having a physical one.
They have clearly seen that our essential nature is that of a creator; we are born to create and the choice lies only in consciously choosing what we wish to create as our own reality.
These are people who have accepted fully the truth that they are not going to live forever.
They have decided to live life fully - in every moment.
They have become believers in Action.
If you want to lose weight, all the knowledge and statistics of different diets will be of no use unless you actually begin to implement them.
If you wish to become a millionaire, all the money making secrets are useless unless action begins on them.
If you want to get fit again, it's more important to get to the gym regularly than to study countless magazines about what you need to do.
People who achieve what they want are acutely aware that of all the wonders and mysteries of our universe, nothing is as wondrous as the human mind, for that is where the creation of reality begins.
The famous philosopher Henry Skolimowski wrote, "Of all the gifts of evolution, the mind is the most precious.
Yet we have allowed it to become something else than it deserves.
Much pollution is poured into your mind daily.
This garbage has trivialised your existence, is the cause of anxieties, is the cause of confusion that does not allow you to think right and act appropriately.
" These words mirror the truth proclaimed by all the wisdom traditions of the world.
The human mind can either be a dumping ground or treasure trove.
A faithful friend or a dangerous enemy.
We can use our intelligence to create or to destroy, to ennoble our existence or to demean it, to fulfil our highest potential or to live an unfulfilled life.
All the high achievers of this world know that success in any area of life is not simply an external activity but an inner awareness too.
It begins with how we use our mind.
All successful people share a common mind-set that differentiates them from the masses.
It is this mindset that gets translated into action which goes on to make things real in the external world.
Success and achievement begins inside them, in their inner thinking, long before it becomes real in the external world through their actions for all to see.
It is amazing to note that invariably all of such elevated spirits believe in action.
They are conscious of their roles as creators and they create willingly and knowingly.
They clearly understand and believe in the counsel of the Dhammapada: "However many words you read, however many you speak, what good will they do if you do not act upon them?" They know that nothing changes unless action is taken.
They know that action is the building block of reality.
They are people of action, and inspire others to create - through action.
Once they've decided what they want, they go into everything deeply, fully and totally.
Without holding themselves back.
Such people know that in their action lies their power, and that action begins in thoughts we carry around in our mind.
They know that the choice of how they want to react to a happening, any happening, is up to them.
They are masters of their own attitude to life, and everything in it.
They choose to act, rather than to react to stimulus of different kinds in their life.
Here are some unique character traits of those who believe action changes reality...
People of Action jump into action.
They know that wisdom turns into strength only if it is followed up with action.
To learn how to swim, you must get wet.
They understand that any weakness voluntarily faced and met is the same as greeting a greater strength.
People of Action walk one step at a time.
They are not too concerned about how much there is to do, or how impossible some of the tasks seem.
They focus on getting one thing done at a time, again and again.
They are aware that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
And the most beautiful tapestry begins and ends with one of ten thousand individual threads.
People of Action know that the time is always 'Now'.
They know that you can't change the mind of person you are later.
There is no later, it's always now nor never.
This moment, ever present, ever powerful, is before them, and it has limitless potential.
The time to change their destiny is 'NOW'.
People of Action follow through with focused actions.
They know that once you've taken the first step, you'll gain some direct knowledge about what is working and what isn't.
And then you can modify your plans.
As experience and wisdom increases from each creative effort, so does their ability to more quickly and accurately evaluate the merits and weaknesses of each action they take.
One of the keys is building momentum - gradually adding energy and force to each new result they want to create.
Once they've arrived at a creative goal, they clearly acknowledge it, and then look ahead for your next creation.
As the Swiss psychologist Cart Jung stated "Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart.
Who looks outside, only dreams; who looks inside, also awakens.
" The achievers of this world know the powerful truth "Inch by inch, life is a cinch.
Yard by yard, life is hard".
Success is always built one action at a time, over a long time.
A Zen Master once told his student, "If you know but do not do, you do not know!" Or as I am prone to say "If you continue to do what you've always done, you will continue to get what you've always got! To change what you're getting, you have to change what you're doing.
" Nothing is created without action.
Wisdom lays the foundation, but it is Action that finally changes life and the future.
And this is the unspoken secret of all creation and change in life.
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