Losing weight doesn't have to be a death sentence.
I know we all like to look and feel good, have more confidence, be more attractive to others but we hate what usually goes hand in hand with the actual dieting, which is the dramatic sacrifices we have to make in order to get the trim figure.
Well I'm here to tell you that I lost 7 pounds in less than 14 days and I did it quote happily and I did it by eating more than I did when I was over 300 pounds.
Contrary to popular belief, larger people do not necessarily eat more than slim people.
For me, I would eat a couple of burgers a day with fries and snack on candy bars.
It didn't stack up to a lot of food, but it was what I was eating and when that stacked on the weight.
I would skip breakfast, which would cause me to eat larger later on in the day.
This would spike my insulin levels which would leave me on terrible lows in the later afternoon.
Doing something as simple as changing what I ate and how much dropped pounds quickly.
So, if you want to lose weight quickly and easily, do not starve yourself.
This will effect your metabolism, shut you down and spurn you to binge to gain back all the pounds you lost.
This is your body's self preservation mode and will make you eat at all costs as it feels your survival is threatened.
Eating more often fools your body into thinking it is not starving and will allow to continue on your new eating plan.
Remember any new diet you do will always need to approval of your body no matter how much you as a person wants to lose the weight.
If you don't eat right and it triggers a metabolism meltdown you will never be able to lose the weight long term.
This is known as yo-yo dieting as you end up eating more and gaining more back.
I used to call my diets "great ways to get fatter", because that was always the end result for me until I ate properly.
You do this and you will have no need for diet supplements, meal replacements or diet pills, which should always be taken with great caution as there , in the past have been several products pulled from the market due to improper testing.
So don't sacrifice your health and sanity, there is a way to lose weight naturally and keep it off.
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