Let's be honest...
Speaking to a genuine psychic medium or getting a real reading for an AFFORDABLE price is a pretty challenging proposition.
And I'm not talking about the array of affordable offers out there in the psychic marketplace that you know in your "gut" are not going to be the real deal.
(you know the ones..
the "100% Free readings" that you know aren't going to be good..
or FREE!) Instead, I'm referring to finding a genuine clairvoyant, with true gifts, who is willing, able and available to offer you honest intuitive life advice when you need it most, and for a price you can easily afford as well.
Let me share something I learned LONG ago that most psychic writers and researchers will NOT admit: Some of the absolute WORST experiences I've have had in this field were with celebrity or famous psychics and mediums who are NOT all that gifted.
(or at least..
they weren't on the days I interviewed them) As a matter of fact, one of the worst psychic readings I've ever received was with someone who not only very well known and famous..
but someone who has been featured on TV for close to 20 years, and has published many of the best selling books in the paranormal and new age marketplace as well.
My reading with her was both TERRIBLY disappointing and incredibly expensive, and I had to wait almost 6 months to even get the appointment that was such a let down to boot.
The good news? As a writer, researcher and publisher in the psychic industry, I've had some incredible and even life changing experiences with professionals in the "paranormal" and psychic marketplace for a fraction, of a FRACTION of the cost that many in the public expect to pay for an authentic experience of their own.
And strangely enough..
it's NEVER been through special deals or offers I've gotten because we write about, and review psychics for a living..
but rather, through being resourceful and finding authentic readers who are available to everybody instead.
That said, let's look at 2 very simple ways that YOU can get an amazing psychic reading, or have an authentic psychic experience for as little as $10, and from your own home as well should you need it.
Filed Under: Look Local My first REAL psychic reading, the one that FINALLY gave me first hand evidence that this "stuff" was real..
was with someone local..
and whom literally lived about 8 blocks from my home.
While I was previously waiting weeks or months to get appointments with professional intuitives that made me travel many miles from home to get LESS than impressive results, this reader was spot on, uncannily accurate and had I wanted to..
I could have walked over to her house on the very day I called to make the appointment.
How much did she charge? $18.
(this was a number very meaningful in her spiritual belief system, and this was the maximum she would charge for a single session) How did I find her? Very simple.
By joining a local "meet up" and becoming friends with a few people who were involved with a spiritist church as a result, as a member of their congregation, she came HIGHLY recommended and didn't disappoint.
(I later had some crazy cool paranormal experiences with her during my first seance as well..
something I've written about elsewhere, and continued to see her until her passing a few years back) The EASIEST way to get a low cost psychic reading from home? Low cost telephone networks that are legitimate, time tested, and AUTHENTIC.
(many are obviously not) The truth is, you CAN test a live psychic or medium by phone from home for $10 dollars (occasionally even LESS) and if you do a little bit of due diligence, it's a risk free proposition that won't cost you a penny..
unless you're blown away by the authenticity of the experience.
The easiest way to ensure that the psychic or medium you pick is real? Make sure they've been around for 5 years or more (the longer..
obviously the better) Look for testimonials (real psychics have FANS...
and fans like to share their experiences with others) Look for money back guarantees and performance promises that remove ALL risk Look for special inducements for first time callers that allow you to TEST a psychic, before having to pay their normal premiums (you can sometimes get a 75% discount or BETTER if you know the right readers to call) Lastly..
remember that cost is only one piece of the psychic puzzle, but you do NOT need to overpay to get a quality reading that you'll remember forever!
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