Mold can be very difficult to see or it can be found in a wide range of colors-even though it is usually called "black mold". You can find mold in a variety of places as well: basements, crawl spaces, attics, in and around AC units or dehumidifiers, just to sample a few.
Health Issues Regarding Mold: There are many health problems that can be attributed to mold, such as mycotoxicosis, respiratory problems, asthma, sinus infections, and more. Although the health issues caused by mold can affect anyone, those at the greatest risk are typically infants and young children, the elderly and anyone with compromised immune systems. As luck would have it, mold can be removed if you can determine where and what kind it is. This is reason enough why routine mold inspections should be a component of your habitual home maintenance.
Inspecting for Mold: Professional mold inspections should be conducted on a routine basis as it is not unusual for the typical home to have some sort of mold. However, if left undetected these fungi multiply quite quickly changing a small issue into an enormous problem. Basic professional inspections should be conducted on a routine basis with more extensive professional inspections happening only on an occasional basis.
Why do I need a Certified Mold Inspector?: In order to reclaim your costs from damages caused by mold you may need to have an official mold test results and analysis by a Certified Mold Inspector (CMI). The tests conducted by the CMI are the most extensive and up to date that you will find. You may also want to have a CMI do mold testing if you want to invest in an older structure of if you suspect that there may be a mold problem of if you need to have a routine professional inspection.
Conducting Mold Testing Yourself: Professional Inspections can cost anywhere from a few hundred dollars and up. To make testing more cost effective most home supply stores have do-it-yourself mold testing kits which indicate whether or not you have mold spores in the air at home. These kits are in no way shape or form a replacement for the professional inspection, but allow home owners the ability to test between professional inspections.
Preventing Mold-The Basics: Not to sound condescending, but one of the most basic steps in preventing mold is by keeping your home clean. A few basics to remember are no standing water, use clean floor mats and shower curtains, clean appliances with antibiotic soap routinely and fix any leaks immediately.
People suffer symptoms caused by mold quite often thinking they simply have a cold. They suffer through these symptoms when they could be perfectly preventable but simply getting rid of mold. As a result, it should be clear that adding routine mold inspections to your home maintenance schedule should be a no brainer.
Taking care of your health is never too important. By cleaning up mold you will improve the health of you and your family in your home.
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