Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

How to Dating - Five Universal Laws for Dating Attractive Women

This how to dating guide will give you the five universal laws for dating beautiful women and women in general.
Memorize these laws for your own benefits, if you ignore them, women will ignore you.
In how to dating, a woman want to be treated in a very distinct way by her man.
If you don't treat your woman in regards to these five universal laws, you will be heading for a great trouble.
  • The first law in how to dating is you have to be the man
This is the first thing you have to consider whenever dealing with women, it's not just dating, it's related to everything, from your mom and sister to coworkers.
Women want you to be the man, not another woman to them.
This obliges you to be a leader and to protect them; which is your natural role.
The moment you neglect this universal law, she will start looking for a true man to replace you, women can't live with a weak man.
  • The second universal law in how to dating is never be her girlfriend.
Your role is to attract women and to get them to feel attracted by you sexually.
Your role isn't to get a woman to be your friend.
This is what will happen to most guys; they will make themselves too available to women and they will start acting friendly and caring too much and fearful of them.
The result is that women will give them what they've asked for = "Let's just be friends".
  • The third universal law is paying for her doesn't mean seducing her
A lot of guys have this all figured wrong.
They think that women want them to support them and to pay for them in order to be seduced by them.
Not the way things should be.
I've seen women paying for guys every time and feeling immensely attracted to them.
I don't suggest her that you should never pay for a woman, if you invited her and wanted to see her, you have to pay for her.
On the other hand, if she invites you, she has to pay for you, no harm or shame about this.
Women want you to court them and to seduce them by the way of flirting and body language and not by providing for them.
  • The fourth law is never bore a woman.
There is one thing a lot of guys don't seem to get in how to dating: They don't get it that boring a woman is like shooting themselves in the foot! I've seen many guys sitting with women and not saying a word, the worse thing was that these women were really doing all they can to encourage the guy to be more fun.
Women want you to be fun with them and exiting.
  • The fifth law in how to dating is women want you to tease them.
Teasing is such an amazing shortcut to getting her attracted to you in a really short time, If you get this point right with women, you will certainly become the most attractive guy a woman would ever dream to meet, go ahead and read this article about how you can attract women in a fun easy way.

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