Health & Medical Body building

How to Gain Huge Muscle Fast - Meal Planning For Muscles

In this article for Free Muscle Building Tips I will examine one of THE most common problem's among beginning/intermediate lifters trying to build huge muscles.
Tell me if this sounds familiar..
You train 3-4 days per week with the proper intensity (hopefully without overtraining) using a proper combination of basic compound movements; yet for some reason your gains are coming MUCH slower than they should be or have come to a grinding halt.
Perhaps you are simply trying to prevent losing your hard earned muscle tissue after the end of a lifting cycle.
You probably reviewed you training routine several times out of frustration,yet everything SEEMS ok..
Well, there's a likely culprit involved and its called IMPROPER MEAL PLANNING.
For some reason many lifters never seem to get a handle on this one! You see, no matter HOW hard you train; without proper meal planning your ultimate goals will never be achieved! For "Proper Meal Planning" you positively MUST keep the following factor's in consideration: *Proper caloric intake *Approximate caloric ratios *High quality protein, fiber, carbohydrate and fat food sources *Appropriate Water intake *Optimum pre-workout and post-workout nutrition *Morning and bedtime nutrition *Consuming 5-6 small meals per day spaced 2-3 hours apart When planning your meals, these are the "nutrient ratio's" (approx.
) you may want to follow are: Carbohydrates-50-55% Fat:15-30% Protein:20-30% Water:sip throughout the day By taking the time to plan meals and grocery lists which follow these guidelines you should GREATLY increase lean muscle mass as well as burn fat more efficiently and quickly.
It might seem difficult at first, and a tedious task to carry out.
Often times we have jobs or hectic lifestyles which make it a challenge in itself to commit to a proper feeding regiment.
But after a while you'll get used to it, and it will become more of a way of life than anything else.
You'll also feel healthier and more energetic throughout the day as well.
The reason for this is because by eating smaller meals more often your body will remain fed and therefore not only build muscle mass more quickly,but it will also burn fat more easily and assist in the maintenance of your hard earned muscle.
Beside's, if your busting your butt in the gym; why throw those gains away through neglecting your dietary needs? OK, so the BOTTOM LINE of this simple lesson is this: Half the battle is in the preparation;and what that mean's here is that equally important,possibly even MORE important than what you accomplish in the gym are the foods/liquids that you consume throughout the day and how you consume them.
Because working out merely sets the muscle-building process into motion, but its the foods that you consume and how you consume them that carry out the muscle building process.
If you will spend 30 minutes or so a week planning your meal preparation in advance you will be surprised not only in your gain's in strength and size, but you will feel better all the way around because of it.
Also most of you will probably want to add a quality protein powder/drink to your diet,which is optional.
I personally have used Matrix 5.
0 with really good result's; it is an egg,whey,casein mix which is pretty tasty(I love chocolate).
I have also experimented with a 99-100% pure cross-flow microfiltered whey isolate called "Nytro Whey" from Prosource, mixed with a casein powder from optimum nutrition with really good result's.
The more you follow a proper meal planning schedule, the less you will be forced to rely on supplement's which will save you money in itself.
Train hard,train steady,eat right,get rest, and watch yourself grow!

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