Have you ever thought deeply about the human psychology behind gardening? Do you know why you crave for garden or farming? Have you asked yourself why you want to decorate your house with a good looking garden? This set of questions will be little bit disturbing for anyone who hasn't fancied deeply.
From the philosophical point of view, it can be said that man loves gardening because he is a part of nature and thee is an everlasting bond between man and nature.
He feels a member of nature and he doesn't want to separate himself from the nature though the modern civilization has created a new mechanical world where he is the master of the universe and he has built houses, building, streets, cities, towns, factories and the whole sophisticated society.
He has the strong passion for natural beauty and panorama.
However, I think that man loves to create a cute garden in the abode because he wants some mental relaxation.
He needs some extra time to come out of the solitary confinement within the four walls and he wants to take the fresh air and bake his body in the sunlight.
Are you like minded? See, many guys are very crazy for the mental happiness.
They are busy professionals.
They are executives, businessmen and politicians.
Throughout day and night they are occupied with work and pressure of responsibilities to execute orders or attending the conferences.
They have no time to look back to feel the natural aesthete or the swinging and bouncing pleasure and excitement.
Therefore they prefer to make the garden for spending sometime in tranquility.
They want to find some moments for deep meditation and concentration.
That's whey man likes gardening.
Now, if you try to evaluate the importance of gardening in the light of religion, you will see that Adam appeared in garden and other angels followed the suit.
However, if you think other way, you will find or feel that guys want to design the garden under the deep compulsion of some ethical reasons.
Let me explain you that the technological advancement and the coming of the modern civilization have forced man to cut trees randomly to build the town and cities.
He has made wrong commitment by felling the plants.
This type of unlawful activity maybe compels man to prepare the garden so that he can show respect to nature.
It is my belief.
Do you have the same mindset? Lastly, gardening has become popular because of the aesthetic reason.
A house with a wonderful garden will be much more valuable and attractive to the viewers.
That's why; he wants to create a garden in the backyard of the house to bring some elegance to lifestyle.