Society & Culture & Entertainment Games

Rift Warrior Guide - PvP With Champion and RiftBlade Souls

One of the most talked about features of Rift by Trion Studios is the variety of ways you can spec your class.
With upto to 9 souls to choose from, including the PvP soul, there are many combination's for setting up your toon.
This guide is dedicated to the Warrior, particularly the PvP Warrior, who wants to be able to have a fighting chance against any type of class they be fighting on the battlefield.
One of the complaints from melee classes in other mmorpgs is that they have little chance against ranged classes, especially ones that can do heavy ranged damaged.
there are counter attacks such as charge, that can shorten the distance to melee range.
But often, especially with caster classes, this again can be countered with instant roots, allowing the caster to move out of melee and making the warrior vulnerable to ranged damage again.
This is often a frustrating experience for warrior type classes, so this build should be ideal for those warrior players who want to even the odds with ranged players.
The build is based on three souls, the Champion, Riftblade and Beastmaster.
The main souls will be Champion and Riftblade.
This is where you be maxing out your points.
Champion - Great 2-hand Damage and Charge The Champion is the defining soul of this build.
The high burst damage will be from the Champion skills.
The Champion also has another great feature, Bull Rush, a charge ability which lets your warrior run to your opponent almost instantly.
Most soft targets, as in cloth and leather wearers, will not last long with big 2 hander beating down on them.
Remember to get Blitz as soon as you can if you plan to pvp early on.
It allows you to charge while in combat.
Most of these opponents will try to get away, usually by rooting the warrior.
This is where you next major soul helps, the Riftblade.
RiftBlade - Ranged Attack The Riftblade soul gives the warrior ranged damage.
Note that the damage will not be as powerful from casters, probably to ensure some balance in the game from the designers of Trion.
Also be wary, that the range is 20m, while other ranged class can typically hit 30m or more.
However, in spite of this, the Riftblade spell damage is powerful enough to make casters nervous, if not out right kill them.
The biggest benefit of the the spells is that they also add attack (action) points.
Depending on the ability, the more points on the target the more damage is causes.
If you look at the Champion, this is especially true for the special attack skills there.
BeastMaster - Free DPS The final soul should be Beastmaster.
Mainly because we want to dump all our points in Champion/Riftblade, so the final soul should be one which give the most benefits with no points.
Since the pet scales as you level, you are getting extra dps for free.
Attack Technique This allows for some interesting and powerful techniques.
Start if with riftblade casts.
This will soften up the enemy, but more importantly you will build up some attack points.
Then charge the enemy.
Remember you need the Blitz Champion talent, as you will be in combat at this stage.
You should have 3 attack points by now to use with one of your special attacks, so your fist hit will be a big one.
Then it's just a matter to finishing off your enemy with 2h.
If it's a melee based enemy, your plate armour will help reduce any damage they hit you with.
If it's a soft ranged class with cloth or leather wearer, slow them down with Freeze Armour (RiftBlade Soul), as they will try to regain their distance.
If they do get away, remember you have ranged attacks as well, so fire some attacks like Flamespear as you chase them.
What about Equipment? As for equipment, 2 handers are the best.
This is because the most of the damage is from special attacks, which is based on weapon damage, so it makes sense to equip a weapon which the large damage, rather than speed.
This invariably means a large and slow 2 hander, with strength bonus.
Strength adds to your attack power stat, and means a bigger hit.
As for armour, you should look for plate with strength bonuses a well.

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