Everyone wants their articles republishing to get good backlinks.
It can though be hard to get good material to write great articles.
There is though a simple but effective way to be able to churn out a number of articles quickly that are of a good standard and of use to other people.
You maybe shocked at my simple but effective method.
I am a Google publisher.
That means I have many little websites and make money from people clicking on the Google ads on my page.
I solely market my websites by article writing for my backlinks.
I have perfected my method which mean I can write up to thirty articles a day that are targeted and are often republished a number of times.
One article can over time get me many back links as people republish my article and have to use my resource box.
The republishing of my articles happens over time so that I get backlinks organically which Google just loves.
The simple technique that I use is that my articles are not related to my website subject matter.
I may have a website about brewing beer at home but my article is about internet marketing.
You see I write about what I like and know.
This makes my articles much better as they are full of passion as the fact I like the subject comes through.
It can be hard to write about a subject that you don't know like "home brewing".
The tip is you use you keyword in the resource box.
You add "home brewing" as your anchor text in your resource box to link to your site.
This works and is the easiest way to write a number of great articles quickly.
Just write about what you know and like as through the world wide web the will be a ready made audience.
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