Everyone gets in a large circle. The first person is given an orange to place under his chin. He must pass the orange to the next in line but neither may use their hands. If the orange drops, those two people are out of the circle. This continues until there is only two people left. When the orange drops the next time, a vote is taken as to who dropped it. The winner gets the prize.
Back to Halloween Game Index.
Check out the Halloween Party Planner.
Recommended Book List:
- 101 Spooktacular Party Ideas
- A Halloween How-To: Costumes, Parties, Decorations, and Destinations
- Halloween: The Best of Martha Stewart Living
- Halloween Fun: Great Things to Make and Do
- 13 Scary Ghost Stories
- Ask the Bones: Scary Stories from Around the World
Parenting Quizzes for Parents of Teens
- Quiz: Are you raising a healthy teen?
- Quiz: Is your teen safe online?
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- Quiz: Are you raising a mean girl?
- How Well Do You Really Know Your Teen?
- Screening Quiz: Is Your Teen Lying?
More on Parenting Teens.