I believe that parrot intelligence has a lot to do with the bonds that are created between pet parrots and their owners.
Have you ever wondered why people like to keep these pets and what it is in the relationship between them that keeps up the interest level of the owner? I see different parrots interacting with their owners and the antics that they get up to is really amazing and even their reaction to what they are doing is so funny.
It is almost like they not only have a high intelligence but they also have a sense of humor.
When they get a good response from their owner it is quite probable that they will perform that trick again and again just as if they too, thought it was funny.
Tricks and intelligence.
Parrots do have a high intelligence and that is why they are so easily trained.
Once an owner has gained the trust of their parrot it is quite amazing how quickly an owner can get their pet parrot to learn a new trick.
Some owners say that they can teach their parrot a new trick within 15 minutes! How does this come about? it is because parrots are very intelligent birds and they are willing to learn in an environment in which they feel safe.
Owners can develop this environment with the right trust building processes and before long both parrot and owner will be able to explore all sorts of interaction.
Looking for displays of intelligence.
If you are unsure if a parrot is intelligent, watch a parrot with his toys.
Some of the tricks that they get up to with their toys is quite fascinating and they will do things with them that they have not even been shown.
They can problem solve and will attempt to try new activities without any encouragement from a human.
Survival instinct.
Another display of intelligence in a parrot is the way that they use various techniques for survival.
Watch a group of parrots around a single bowl of food and you will see dominant parrots that use their intelligence to secure a seat at the feeding bowl.
in the wild parrots do have to display their intelligence in an effort to protect themselves from predators and in captivity toys and interaction from the owner helps keep this instinct alive.
Why people love pet parrot.
These displays of parrot intelligence are, I believe, some of the reasons why people love to keep pet parrots.
They are interactive, communicative and as long as they are encouraged to be independent, they will be happy to occupy themselves in the parrot cage with toys and other distractions.
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