Tips to Get the Most Affordable Car Insurance Gas prices are really expensive in this day and age as many other things are expensive as well.
Today, it seems the prices on everyday necessities has skyrocketed, so what are we to do? We can start saving money by eliminating certain bills out of our life or finding ways to make those bills cheaper.
While you will always need car insurance, you may not be able to eliminate that bill out of your life, but there are some tips you need to consider that will slash those prices and will help you get the most affordable car insurance in your city: 1.
The longer you stick with the same insurer the more you stand to gain for two reasons: The long term discount and accident forgiveness.
Most insurers will give you a discount of about 5% if you stay with them for up to five years (some will give you once you stay for up to three.
This is the long term discount.
The accident forgiveness discount means that your insurer will not raise your rates if you file just one claim.
These are all incentives for you to stay with them for as long as possible.
However, what you may save by switching to another insurer might far outweigh all the incentives you will get depending on what your rates are and how much another insurer is ready to offer.
Before you get carried away with the few hundred you will save on a house, check if it will not cost you much more in car insurance.
Cars in the same neighborhood may fall under different risk zones as far as your insurer is concerned.
The truth is that, most people do not think about this when they are about buying a home.
Since you may live in the same home for decades to come, a difference of $200 in car insurance rates would amount to thousands over the years.
Get and compare quotes from five or more sites if you are at all serious about getting considerable savings.
This is the surest way for you to find the best affordable rates from all the offers out there.
The best part of it all is that the entire process is free, quick and very convenient.
You will only spend about five minutes at most on each site.
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