- 1). Research your case. Other individuals must have been affected the same way you were, such as illness from a defective product, and be willing to join your lawsuit. Make a list of names and whatever contact information you find of any other injured persons you notice or speak with.
- 2). Find an attorney experienced in handling your type of case. Contact your state bar association for a list of attorneys. Schedule a meeting with the attorney you select.
- 3). Gather all your proof of your case. Include photographic evidence, lab test results and any other supporting items or documents you have.
- 4). Meet with the attorney. Give the attorney all of your proof and the list of names you have. The attorney will file a class action suit if he finds enough defendants and sees the merit in your case, and you will be a lead plaintiff.
- 1). Check your postal and e-mail carefully. You may be contacted by the attorney handling the case if you are identified as a possible victim in a class action case. Read any class action documents you receive thoroughly and consult an attorney if you are unsure about your rights.
- 2). Research the case. Some class action attorneys start official websites or advertise to find potential plaintiffs. Contact the attorney handling the case to request paperwork. Fill out the paperwork in full, attach supporting documents if requested and mail back the forms by the deadline given to become a plaintiff.
- 3). Contact your local bar association. Ask if a current class action case exists for your complaint. Some bar associations maintain databases of class suit actions. Request contact information for the lead attorney if a class action suit exists.
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