- 1). Set the steel rod horizontally on two fire bricks in a fire-safe area. You should not attempt case hardening inside your home. Doing it in a garage can work, but doing it outside or in an industrial building would be preferable. Make sure that all flammable materials are out of the way. Then, put on your welding apron and mask for protection.
- 2). Turn the welder on, letting it heat up for a minute or two. then, heat the surface of the steel until it is a glowing red. You should do this one piece at a time, heating up an area of about 3 to 6 inches at a time, before proceeding.
- 3). Lift the steel rod off of the bricks with the fire tongs and submerge the glowing red part until it is completely covered. Wait for about two to five minutes, before lifting the metal back out of the water. You may then replace it on the fire bricks and repeat steps two and three. Each time these steps are completed, about one-half to one centimeter deep of the metal's surface is hardened. You may repeat these steps as many times as you want to harden the rod deeper.
- 4). To finish the case, dusk the surface of the hardened metal with a metal grinder. Do this lightly only to make the surface of the metal polished and smooth. You will be left with a smooth, hard, but flexible metal.
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