Creating a Facebook fan page is nice and easy.
This article will show you how to do it in a few simple steps.
Creating The Page To create a page search Facebook for "ads and pages", the search should return "ads and pages application".
On the ads and pages application page you will find a few options, you should select an option from the "Official Page" section on the right unless you are creating a page for the Facebook community to run.
Once you have chosen the type of page you require, go ahead and give it a name.
Your website/blog title is the best starting point, however you can really use whatever you would like.
Setting Up The Page Now that you have your Facebook fan page built, the next step is to setup the page.
The first thing you should do is fill in the fields in the "basic info" tab.
The more information you provide in these fields the better.
When you are done filling in your information be sure to click the "Save changes" button before moving on.
Click the "Profile Picture" tab and upload your logo, or anything else you would like to use as the profile image for the page.
Your now ready to set your fan pages permissions, to do this click the "Manage Permissions" tab in the left hand menu.
You will be presented with a few options, select the ones that you require and save the changes.
When you are happy for the public to see your page go ahead and hit the "publish" button.
After your fan page has been published you will still be able to go back and edit its content and permissions whenever you like.
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