Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas are just around the corner.
Crafting can create a personal touch to the holidays and make decorations affordable.
But, it also goes beyond cheap décor.
It provides the perfect opportunity for a family activity.
So, get the kids involved! Take an idea and run with it! Don't be afraid to use your imagination...
and your kids will follow.
Here is an idea to get you started: cowboy crafts for kids.
Cowboy Halloween Costume: Vest- Take a paper shopping bag and cut a hole (big enough for the child's head) into the bottom.
Cut a slit from top to bottom on one of the wide sides of the bag.
Cut an arm hole in each of the narrow sides of the bag.
Now, let your child decorate with glue/glitter, paint, stencils, stamps, etc...
Sheriff's Badge- Trace, draw, or stamp a star on a piece of cardboard.
Cut the shape out and cover with aluminum foil.
Cowboy Hat- You will need a plastic party favor hat and 4-5 pieces of black felt.
Simply cover the hat with the felt and staple in place.
It may take some cuts to make the felt fit.
Use a piece of rope to cover the rim seam.
Use a black sharpie to color the silver staples.
Expand on the idea with your own cowboy crafts for kids.
Cowboy Table Cloth: Buy a plain table cloth for your Thanksgiving or Christmas table.
Let your kids decorate it.
Instead of using paint brushes, give them small bundles of hay straw.
They can dip the straw in the paint to form unique cactuses, cowboy hats, lassos, spurs, etc...
Attach a sponge or stamp to a potato masher and let them "brand" the table.
This can be the kids table cloth for their own kids table or your center piece.
Cowboy Cactus Centerpieces: Take a small flower pot and fill it with rocks, sand, clay, or dirt.
Stick a dowel or stick into the filling.
Mold green clay around the dowel to form a cactus shape.
Take other colors of clay and form chaps, vest, hat, and face.
Break toothpicks in half (you will need to do this for the child) and use as the cactus spines.
You can incorporate these in your holiday table décor! Depending on how big your table is, you may want to let the kids make several.
Again, expand the centerpiece with your own cowboy crafts for kids idea.
Snow Poke: Instead of a cowpoke have a snow poke.
Let kids construct a snow man.
Make a lasso from craft pipe cleaner.
Add a cowboy hat, vest, etc..
Substitute the smoking pipe for a strand of straw.
Cowboy Cookies: Give Santa cookies that are shaped like a cowboy hat.
Let the kids use a cookie cutter to make them.
Cowboy Christmas Tree: Let the kids make homemade Christmas tree decorations.
You can stamp a piece of cardboard with cowboy hats, cactus, horses, cows, wagons, etc.
Then, let them paint and cut out.
Piping can also be shaped for a cowboy theme.
These cowboy crafts for kids should get you off to a good start.
Kids can have great fun with crafting.
Even the sloppiest result will brighten a kids day.
Imagine the pride they will feel, as your Thanksgiving guests brag about their hand painted table cloth.
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