Capsicum is the main ingredient found in chili and which lends the burny sensation that they are famous for. While some people are reasonably addicted to the fiery feeling, some do find the burning to be unbearable. Coupled with this is the other unpleasant side effects of stomach irritation and a burning bum the day after.
Chilli has been long recognised for its ability to increase the burning of calories. However, due to the often undesirable side effects, only a few dieters have been brave enough to endure the unpleasant side effects in order to benefit from accelerated pounds burnt off.
Research has shown that chilli has the ability to improve your metabolism so that you burn fat faster. In some circumstances it was revealed that you may use calories by as much as 12 times faster than normal.
In a major breakthrough for weight conscious people Capsicum is now available as a slimming supplement that may be used by most without having to brave the negative side effects mostly associated with chilli.
Capsiplex diet pills contain concentrated capsicum extract in a unique PH sensitive capsule so you can use Capsicum safely and without the fear of the undesirable side effects. This advanced capsule is designed to only dissolve once it is in the highly acidic intestines and so no gastric irritaion is experienced.
The capsicum capsule is totally absorbed and so you enjoy 100% of the benefits of chilli without any of the unpleasant side effects.
Capsiplex has enjoyed a massive movie star following with major stars such as Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt and even Nicola McClean endorsing the slimming aid. As could be envisaged, with such a huge movie star following, Capsiplex has been a major hit and soon after release it became a top selling diet pill in the UK.
The manufacturer claims that just 1 Capsiplex diet pill per day is able to assist you burn as much as 278 more calories. This is equivalent to 1 slice of pizza or a hamburger, some choc chip cookies or in terms of energy burnt, 25 minutes jogging, 1hour 35 minutes walking.
While this may not seem as though that much at first, when you consider that you are utilising so many calories more every single day no matter what you may be doing the weight loss benefits will soon be adding up and you will notice a big weight difference.
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