It is so easy to create a budget.
You may know why you need one, and you may have good intentions.
But sticking with that budget for life - that's a hard one.
There are ways to make your budget work.
They aren't easy.
A working budget takes discipline and self-control.
But in the end, it will really pay off.
Think back to why you created your budget in the first place.
If it isn't a really good reason or something your truly want, it won't work.
Sit down and re-establish your goals.
Do you want to get out of debt? Are you looking for a comfortable retirement? Your goal isn't something you think about once or twice a year, nor is your budget.
This is something you will need to face every day.
You should spend fifteen minutes every day thinking about your goal and your finances, at the very least.
Write down your goals and post them inside your wallet.
You will have to face them every time you buy something.
Make them a part of your everyday.
Examine where you are breaking your budget.
Most likely, it is your spending.
Perhaps you aren't accurate in your estimates on what you spend.
If you don't look at your expenses every few days, you will not know how much you spend.
Write down every receipt as soon as you bring it home.
I do this and balance my account at least once a week.
By doing so, I know every day how much money we have.
There are no surprises at the end of the month.
Now look to where you are overspending.
Compare your actual expenses with your budget.
Did you have a large, unexpected medical or automotive expense? Sometimes emergencies bust up our budgets.
By creating an emergency savings account, your budget won't be affected when things break.
Maybe you are just giving into temptation.
You go over budget at the grocery store.
You have two options: increase the budgeted amount or decrease your spending.
I recommend decreasing your spending.
If you only carry $100 in cash in the store and leave your wallet in the car, you aren't going to spend a penny more.
Start thinking frugally.
Look at what things cost you over time.
For example, if you withdraw money twice a week from an ATM, it could be costing you $300 in fees.
Look for ways to cut your utilities and other expenses.
Research frugal living ideas.
For example, start turning off the lights when they aren't being used.
Shop around for cheaper car insurance rates (but don't sacrifice the quality of the insurance).
Cut back on your telephone features.
Don't eat out as much.
Carpool to save on gas expenses.
Living within a budget is really possible.
The key is finding the right budget and the right discipline.
It may take some trial and error, but if you stick with it and focus on your goals, you can be successful.
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