"Thinking is easy, acting is difficult, and to put one's thoughts into action is the most difficult thing in the world.
" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Why is it that some people seem to accomplish so much in so little time? How come you constantly hear stories of somebody who was broke as a joke and then all of a sudden a year later they have made six or seven figures? How does success come so fast for some people? Thinking is always easy, but success minded thinking is not a habit which everyone possesses.
So even though thinking may be easy, your thoughts may not be taking you where you want to go.
Knowing how to think and then immediately acting on your thoughts creates success momentum! The saying that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer is absolutely true.
Those people who are rich got there for a reason and that reason was not luck! You all know someone who had every opportunity in the world, but they blew it.
Likewise we have all seen someone who had all the odds stacked against them, but somehow they managed to come out on top.
The successful individual grooms their thoughts.
They consistently manicure every idea and mold their thoughts to their preference.
So for the successful individual thinking itself is an action.
The successful individual drives their thoughts towards their goals.
Think of your thoughts as a train.
If you are driving a train and you want to get your precious cargo to its destination then you must keep the train on the tracks and certainly on the correct track.
If you let your thoughts run wild that is like setting a train on full throttle and then curling up and taking a nap.
That would be utter insanity.
The train would blast off the first tight corner, it would smash into cars, at the very least it would take the wrong track and would never reach its objective.
Habit number one today is: Take action with your thoughts.
Don't let your mind react to the world around it, concentrate your thoughts on that which you desire.
Successful people know that when they have an idea or a passion they must act on it to give it the power it has.
You know this is true.
There was an old man, that used to live next to us.
He did not have two pennies to rub together, he lived with his very elderly mother and he was the most unhappy person you ever met.
When I would go over there as a child he would tell me every miserable thing that ever happened in his life.
Then he would tell me all the great ambitions he had.
When I would ask him what he did to act on his ideas the answer was always the same.
"Ooh I didn't do that, because (insert lame excuse here)!" Even as a child I felt confused, here was an adult that I should respect, but he seemed to lack simple common sense.
His advice was always virally negative, "Ah, don't do that, that will never workout!" Whenever I left his presence it was a breath of fresh air.
Like the dark cloud of failure had drifted away and a burst of positive energy was allowed back into my life.
Fast forward fifteen years and I am sitting in one of my uncle's multimillion dollar homes.
This man is a success in everything he does.
He talks as if the world bends to his will.
He is not conceded or cocky he just has this expectation that when he puts his mind to something he will do it.
His answer to everything is, "Well is that what you want? Then go do it!" I never want to leave his presence, he is a man of action! He is always happy, always smiling.
His positive energy is infectious! He knows what he wants, he focuses on it and then he takes immediate action.
Without ever looking back.
Habit number two today is: Take immediate action on your desires, once you have a developed your concentrated thoughts.
If you create these two habits within yourself, you will properly focus the energy of abundance in your life.
Then success will find you with incredible speed.
Those who changed their lives or those who continue to lead successful lives, they lead their minds with the habits above.
It works for them and it will work for you!
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