Society & Culture & Entertainment Hobbies & Science

How to Tan Squirrel Hides

    • 1). Remove as much fat, blood and muscle mass as possible with the dull knife by scraping the flesh side of the hide. Rub handfuls of salt into the flesh side of the hide. Hang or lay the hide in the shade to dry. Drying time will depend on elements such as weather temperature and relative humidity. When the hide feels dry to the touch you can continue.

    • 2). Relax the hide by soaking it in a 2-lb. salt solution with 4 gallons of water for 5 to 6 hours in a bucket. Turn the hide in the water to relax and release any air pockets to ensure the hide gets thoroughly soaked.

    • 3). Remove the hide from the salt water solution and drain as much water out of the hide as possible. Rub in fresh salt over the flesh side of the hide. Fold the hide with the inner sides together and leave it overnight.

    • 4). Scrape the hide with the dull knife again to remove any excess fat or muscle from the flesh side of the hide. Sprinkle sawdust on the hide to help absorb moisture, fat and muscle.

    • 5). Soak the hide in a tanning solution of 2 lbs. alum, 5 lbs. salt and 10 gallons of warm water for 2 to 3 days. Stir and move the hide around at least twice a day. Remove the hide from the tanning solution and wash it out under running water for about 20 minutes.

    • 6). Hang the hide over a railing or pole -- fur side out -- in a shady, well-ventilated area for a couple of days or until thoroughly dry. Repeat Steps 6 through 8 with the flesh side of the hide being out.

    • 7). Dampen the skin, but do not wet; sprinkle the skin with lukewarm water and spread the water through the hide with a sponge. Fold the hide up with the flesh sides together and roll it up in a burlap sack. Allow the hide to sweat overnight. Sweating is the step of tanning that involves placing wet hides in a hot moist room and allowing them to partially rot. This step will make the animal's fur pull out easily.

    • 8). Soften the hide by stretching and working it over a dull edge such as a board for 20 to 90 minutes. Oil the hide using a vegetable or animal-based oil. Do not use any type of mineral oil. Warm the oil and work it well into both sides of the hide.

    • 9). Arrange the hide in a horizontal barrel with several shovelfuls of hardwood sawdust and close the barrel. Spin or tumble the barrel for 30 minutes. Thin out any thick points in the leather using a curved knife or coarse sandpaper.

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