Self ligating appliances have been rising steadily in the public eye through the years as their advantages over steel or elastomeric ligatures are being claimed by orthodontists worldwide.
Self ligating braces are a modern alternative to the conventional 'train track' metal brackets.
Self ligating means that the brace can tie itself to the main archwire.
The archwire is kept in place using small metal clips instead of elastic bands.
There are two major types of self ligating brackets.
Active and passive, although some have the combination of features belonging to both active and passive types.
The active type has a spring clip that presses against the archwire.
The clip doesn't actively press against the wire in the passive type.
These brackets have been constantly modified and tweaked since their introduction to overcome initial problems and to enhance overall performance.
Long History of Self Ligating Appliances While it may seem like a new-world concept, the idea of self ligating brackets came into the light in 1935 with the Russell lock edgewise attachments.
A surge in popularity in the 1990s led to further refinement of the appliances and a large number of patents.
Some of the more trusted products are, SmartClip 2, In-Ovation C, Damon 3MX, and DammonQ.
Self ligating Appliances have gained the upper hand on their steel and elastomeric counterparts in terms of overcoming problems of low efficiency, plastic deformation, discoloration, plaque accumulation, friction and discomfort.
Elastomeric models have been studied to show a reduction in strength when placed in a simulated oral environment.
The elastic is also prone to stretching leading to a significant loss in full bracket engagement.
Unlike elastomeric ligatures, self ligating brackets provide a secure ligation because a robust full bracket engagement is guaranteed unless the clip or sliding mechanism fails or something causes the bracket to debond.
Friction is also an important factor in tooth alignment.
Tooth movement occurs in a series of short jumps as the arch wire and biological resistance strive to turn the root upright through alveolar bone.
Hence the lower the friction, the better.
Low friction is necessary within the bracket system to help facilitate efficient arch leveling, alignment, and space closure while keeping anchorage requirements low.
Self ligation manages to provide a reasonably large reduction in friction through all stages of tooth movement.
They help the tooth slide gently along the archwire at a measured and predictable pace while preventing any undesirable alignment or rotation of the tooth.
Are they Effective? Self ligating appliances, while efficient, cannot promise any significant amounts of saved time during the initial stages of treatment.
As dental irregularity is highly unpredictable, self ligatures may not prove a cost effective option in every single case.
Self ligating braces are an innovative alternative for those looking for a more discreet, efficient and effective and convenient mode of dental alignment to put a beautiful smile on their face.
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