When you talk about acne, one of the major factors that affects it is diet.
Ideally, diet is a major element because it affects the whole body.
You can be healthy or sick with the way you eat and choose your food.
The skin being the largest organ of the body is the first recipient of the good effects or the bad effects of eating habits.
One of these bad effects is acne.
Therefore, you should have healthy eating habits for acne free skin.
Comedonal acne is a form of acne that is not new to you.
The term maybe new but these are simply the whiteheads and the blackheads on your face.
Comedonal acne is caused by a blocked sebaceous follicle because of dirt, hair or bacteria.
Thus, the best prevention for this type of acne is to keep the sebaceous follicle open.
With healthy eating habits you can achieve a comedonal acne free skin.
How to achieve acne free skin through the food you eat? A research conducted at RMIT University revealed that a diet lower in carbohydrates and high in protein is the key to a smooth skin.
Carbohydrates are high glycemic index which leads to acne and other skin breakouts.
However, there are carbohydrates that have lower glycemic index like whole grains, oatmeal, brown rice and whole wheat.
Protein is recommended however, you should avoid meats that are high in saturated fats which leads to oily skin thus may clog the pores.
Fish, chicken and other lean meats are good choices.
Healthy eating habits for acne free skin should include vegetables and fruits.
But you should avoid those starchy ones as these may contain high glycemic index like potatoes and very sweet fruits.
Grapefruit, apples, green leafy vegetables and citrus fruits are good choices.
Soda and soft drinks, aside from being considered as junk food, it is not good for your health and can lead to acne.
Avoiding these drinks can lead to both healthy body and skin.
Healthy eating habits for acne free skin may not be your thing but it can lead you to a fairer skin and a beautiful.
Finally, a healthy diet lets you enjoy life longer.
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