In recent years the exercise equipment industry seems to have mushroomed in an almost exponential manner. That is almost certainly due to the increased prevalence of obese and out of shape individuals. Given the incredible number of options available to consumers it may be tough for people to choose just one product to spend their money and time buying and using. Thus, many individuals have set out to figure exactly which apparatus might be the best ab workout machine.
Undoubtedly, each manufacturer and vendor would like to have consumers believe that their product is the absolute best abs workout machine. Among the many apparatuses marketed as such are the Ab Coaster and the Cross Crunch. The Ab Coaster is a relatively large machine. The upper part has armrests and handles while the lower part has a knee pad that slides along a curved track. As the user kneels on the pad and holds onto the armrests he or she can swing the pad forward and backward along the track by using his or her abdominal and core muscles. The Ab Coaster costs over $400 and comes with a $15 30 day trial offer.
The Cross Crunch is a smaller and less involved apparatus. It is a plastic piece of equipment with an internal spring. The bottom part rests on the users lap while he or she sits on a chair. The upper part has two handles. As the user pushes down on the Cross Crunch he or she is working against the resistance of the internal spring. There are different ways to use the Cross Crunch so as to focus ones efforts on different sections of the abdomen. The Cross Crunch retails for close to $30 plus shipping and handling. There is a 30 day satisfaction guarantee policy for the apparatus. The Cross Crunch also comes with an instructional DVD and other accessories.
As individuals search for what they feel is the best abs workout machine they must not only consider what other people think, whether those people may be writers or other consumers or experts, but they must also consider which apparatus will best fit their particular needs and goals. These types of questions can only be answered by the individual consumer. In the end, the key issue is that individuals are exercising in one way or another. That is really the only way to burn fat in an effective manner. People need to find some good workout routines or machines and use them consistently. Furthermore, folks need to eat healthily. The combination of fitness and nutrition is what is going to help people trim their bodies and get healthier. Always follow your doctors advice.
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