As a young person, you probably had lots of dreams and thoughts about how you wanted your relationship or marriage to go.
You must have thought about all the laughter, smiles, joy and love both of you would share.
But for some strange reason we hardly ever think about the inevitable conflicts couples experience, or how such conflicts should be resolved, or more importantly how to say 'I am sorry' and move on.
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Relationships ideally involve two people with different ideas, and backgrounds coming together to act as one.
That defines the following equation: 2 different people + Different Ideas + Different Backgrounds = Occasional Conflicts Conflicts are therefore a normal part of all relationships, but how conflicts are handled and resolved is what differentiates good relationships from devastating relationships.
So what is the best way to resolve conflict? Immediately or as at least as soon as possible! Once you sense that you and your partner are about to get into a fight over an issue, then it is time to change the topic! If it's too late and both of you have already gotten into a fight, then give each other some space and time to reflect on what just happened.
This is the best response, as prolonging fights only makes both of you say things you would latter wish you had never said and unfortunately cannot be taken back.
Once tempers have cooled down, you can then restart the conversation from a different angle.
Come to an agreement that each partner must listen to every word the other has to say without interrupting and with a view to understanding the other person's point of view.
Then continue the conversations until both of you are willing to shift ground enough to agree on a resolution that suits you both.