- 1). Point your browser to the Facebook homepage.
- 2). Click on the "Create Group" link in the left column of the screen, just beneath the list of groups you currently belong to.
- 3). Enter a name for the group in the empty field at the top of the page. Click on the arrow immediately to the left of the name to select an icon that will appear at the top of your group's page. Icons include a soccer ball, television and tree --- choose the icon that best fits the theme of your group.
- 4). Type the name of a friend in the "Members" field to add her to the group; once the name of your friend appears in a blue bubble, she is added to the group. Repeat the process for each friend you want to add.
- 5). Use the gray icon in the "Privacy" section to choose the visibility setting for your group. Open groups are visible to the entire Facebook community, closed groups are partially visible and secret groups are only visible to actual members.
- 6). Click the blue "Create" button at the bottom of your window to officially create the group. Facebook automatically directs you to the group page where you can add more information to the group via the "Edit Group" icon.
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