Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

Why You Must Leverage The Benefits Of Web 2.0

The new paradigm of wealth is not about how much money a person has, but how long that person could survive without working.
(I cant give credit for this quote and cant remember where I read itsorry)

Trying to give you just some Benefits of Social Networking is like asking me to count all the stars at night. The Benefits are Endless! But here are a few to start your motor:

Passive income - This is created by using the concept of leverage.
Technology - This eliminates the need for a person to be there.
Free Advertising You should be paying a lot for this kind of exposure
Publicity and Its all Free
Leverage your time so you can have more in each day!
Leverage your money so you can travel the world!
Per hour job? No More trading hours for dollars!
Leverage an inch and get a mile!
The List Youve heard it too many times Its all in the list..
This will be your Never-Ending Lifetime List.
Publish your book
Distribute your articles
Publicize an event
Post your videos to promote your business or interest
Receive for free Top Rated material for any interest you have
Become a fan Vote on other peoples videos, articles and blogs
Eavesdrop on what others are doing
Join groups with like-minded people
Enjoy new friends from all over the world that share your likes!
Enjoy happy customers for life
Drive tons of traffic to your website for FREE!

Leverage, Leverage, Leverage. OMGosh, This is where its At. When you can leverage technology i.e. Social Networking, and your business becomes automated, you create a moneymaking machine oh I forgot that benefit!

Its 1955. You, your family and all your friends hear about this new restaurant called McDonalds. Almost everyone in this era ate all three meals at home together. Mom cooked and cleaned and served. Older kids helped. It was the way of life then. As you walked into this new drive-in burger place, you watched how they cooked and served and couldnt help but notice how fast it was!. It must have been crazy to hear what people were saying. The automated system caught on and changed the way people eat around the globe. Ray Krocs system started a brand new technology in this country that spread all over the world.

I just returned from Budapest and while we were traveling down the country roads on a tour bus, I was snapping photos of the unusual sites and immediately was taken back by McDonald Billboards with 12 syllable words I couldnt pronounce. It shouldnt seem weird, but it was I remember visiting London. At the tower of London there was a McDonalds tucked into the hillside. Ray Krocs system and his use of leverage changed the face of eating all around the globe.

Its 2008. You are witnessing another brand new technology and another phenomena, different decade, and this automated system is called Web 2.0. It is revolutionizing business in the world and its just beginning.

It is about Branding. You should be branding You, Inc. (Mike Dillard get his Magnetic Sponsoring book which makes this point Big Time)

Grab your business cord, plug it into the social networking groups and Voila you have an entire online business that runs itself

"Your premium brand had better be delivering something special, or it's not going to get the business." - Warren Buffett

Heres whats going to happen when you plug in to Social Marketing

Your friends and Customers will tell other people about their
positive experiences with you or your business.
Now heres the impact: Their honest conversation is more effective than the most expensive advertising you could buy!

Youve probably heard of My Space, Facebook or You Tube. These are examples of Social Networking, Web 2.0 etc. For you Beginners who are untouched by this phenomena, or maybe just now getting a computer, this is what you do when you sign up for a Social Website. Lets say you want to start with Facebook. Its easy and fun. You go to and set up your account. You sign up and fill out a profile with your information. Now the Fun really begins, because you have to do something, right? Now you send your friends, relatives, neighbors an invitation to connect with you on Facebook. You are encouraged to invite your friends to join with you. And Its FUN! How often does a new world open to you that invites people of ALL ages and ALL types from ALL countries? You should be getting excited and thinking about your launch about now.

You want to Leverage every benefit of Web 2.0.while you must also learn to market You, Inc. a phrase coined by an internet superstar and someone I admire very much, Mike Dillard (Magnetic Sponsoring Fame) . He is one of my Gold Nuggets. What he means by this, is that you must Brand Yourself, Define your purpose, while taking advantage of Blogs, Web 2.0 and you will be generating income while you sleep.

That my friend, is Leveraging Abundance!

When you Learn about Leverage, youll Create Abundance.
Carol Claassen

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