Health & Medical sports & Exercise

They Used to Be a Lot More Active Than We Are Today

If we take a look back at our recent ancestors, our great grandparents for example just a few short generations ago they were very active people.
Their lives were harder in lots of ways and a lot more physical as they didn't have the benefits of the laborsaving devices and leisure time like we do today.
When we look back we find they were rarely overweight and stayed trim and fit despite having relatively meager diets.
They were busy each day; they carried wood, walked a lot, cleaned the dishes and washed clothes by hand, swept the floors and shook out rugs instead of vacuuming them and made all of their meals from scratch without a microwave.
Back in this earlier age much of the day was spent engaged in physically demanding activities, and peoples' muscular systems were stimulated vigorously.
So going out of the way to engage in strength training exercise was unnecessary.
The necessities of living dictated the volume of our ancestors' actions and daily activity levels, but we can learn a lot from the life patterns that they followed instinctively.
Today's scientists have come to the very interesting conclusion that we need those regular intervals of physical action or 'work' as surely as we need to eat, breathe and sleep.
But as a result of technological advances, societal changes, and personal choices, all of us place fewer demands on our muscular systems.
It is easy to see how this combination of events has led to one out of two people in our world today having at least one modern chronic lifestyle disease and many have multiple conditions and illnesses.
Many more are overweight and obese, or tired and lacking energy.
Although technology and automation provide for easier and more comfortable lives and increased leisure time, a price is paid by our muscular systems and ultimately our health.
The human body must have muscle load bearing exercise to remain healthy as this is the mechanism that triggers the muscles and bones to continually renew themselves - sweeping out old, degenerated cells and tissues and rebuilding new tissue that is younger, stronger and healthier.
You see, without the challenge of weight bearing activity such as in a no exercise lifestyle your body has no incentive to renew itself, and the cells and tissues grow old, frail and prone to injury and disease.
This may explain why the 'big three' heart disease, cancer and diabetes is so prevalent in today's world.
Many people associate strength training only with athletes as at one time, perhaps, strength training was reserved only for athletes.
Certainly the world of muscle building and maintaining exercise was relatively unknown.
There used to be no need for the average person to have to partake in this type of activity.
But all that has changed in the last few generations as the health benefits of muscle strength and endurance have become widely known for men and women of all ages.
Our bodies are miracles of adaptability, capable of altering themselves as a reaction to loads placed upon them in such a way that future, similar loads will be less stressful.
Likewise, they can and will adapt to having no demands placed upon them, becoming increasingly weaker and less capable such as with a sedentary lifestyle.
Today, however, unless you have a job that requires a great deal of physical activity, to ensure optimal health and maintain your functional capacities, you may have to give back a little of the leisure time you have gained through technology and mechanization and purposely 'work' your muscular systems with a program of strength training exercise.
We could take a few lessons from our ancestors of long ago.
Although they had little in the way of the material things that we place so much value on today they were happy and contented.
According to in-depth studies, these men and women were free of most diseases, healthy, fit, and strong and brimming with vitality.
This surely is what is important to us today as well but we are going to have to make some changes to get it.

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