If you want to know what your credit score is, you can try various online services offering free credit information. But you should be careful in using these sites because they might lure you into paying for your credit scores. Your credit score is basically a three-digit number used by banks in approving your loan application. Aside from banks, utility companies, employers, cell phone providers and even landlords will check your credit score.
It is important to check your approval score occasionally to find out how you stand. But checking it before making a loan application is also great. This gives you an idea on whether or not you will be approved and if you can get a lower interest rate. Individuals that have credits cores below 620 will find it difficult to get their applications approved and if approved, they will carry higher rates of interest.
By law, consumers entitle everyone a free approval report, a record history of your borrowing and loan repayment. However, the numerical scores that are derived from such reports would cost you in part as credit reporting bureaus are not obliged by law to provide these scores to customers for free along with the credit reports.
Today, many companies launch services giving customers at least a glimpse of their approval scores without any charge. Some websites even offer a window into the key factors which go into your score calculation and what you should do in order to improve them and how your credit will stack up against others.
Many of these sites have connections to the industry aiming to make money through fees if a user signs up for products offered by their partners on the website or through advertising. For decades, the best way an individual can get his or her score was to purchase them from any of the major reporting bureaus namely Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. You may also obtain a free credit report at AnnualCreditReport.com once a year from each of these credit reporting bureaus but the site that the bureau created is selling scores separately.
There is some sort of variations among the reports and that depends on the scoring model used and the credit bureau from where the data are being pulled from. Lending companies can select from FICO, the VantageScore which is developed by the credit bureaus or from any of the own scores of the credit bureaus. What adds to the confusion is that lenders can select from different versions of identical scoring model.
Getting approval scores from these websites was relatively painless and quick. To begin, first you need to set up an account and answer to the identity verification questions. While you need not to sign up for any services or give your credit card details, some sites may require you to provide your Social Security number. Other sites will use the information you provide to find your report at Experian and verify your identity through the information in your credit report.
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