I know how hard it is when you do not have much free time because of your day job, I have been there and I know how it feels.
It really takes time to research and brainstorm good titles with right keywords and after to write really good article.
But now I want to show tips for producing more good articles, faster, read on and discover how.
As already said above, writing good articles takes time, but we still can make this time shorter for every article and here is how:
- Look for popular articles in ezines in your niche, search for the ones that has most views and more publishing, most of them are long tail keywords and you can quite easily make simple changes and make it unique
- Look for the structure of an article and notice if the author has specific approach in writing.
Choose the scheme of an article which you find comfortable for you. - Actually read them and get the feeling how they are designed
- Now you have title and some idea of the structure this title has to have, and this is great beginning because you will have something like blueprint on which you will build your own unique article with your own words.
Not bad at all.