Do you climax before your partner has had a chance to reach her orgasm? If you do you have my sympathy.
I suffered for years with this problem and I used to hate it when it would happen.
To be honest I would feel like a failure and she would look back at me with that disappointed look on her face.
I just had to do something to try help myself out so I set out on a mission to help myself.
I began to trawl the net and gather information from everywhere I could in a bid to help myself.
What I want to share with you below are 3 of the best tips that I found for lasting longer in bed.
Check them out and see how you can help yourself to last longer.
1) Change your sex attitude I had a sex attitude like so many other men out there that was stopping me enjoying sex as much as I wanted.
I had made sex into a monster and I had made it a really important part of my life.
Although sex is of course a really important part of life when we make it really important we tend to worry about it more.
What I started to do was to put sex in perspective and make it a less important part of my life.
What I did was to worry less about sex and I became so relaxed that I naturally started to last longer in bed.
2) Learning to mix it up At the beginning of my efforts to learn to last longer in bed I had to grab any technique I could find that would help to go for longer.
One of the most useful things that I found at this stage was to mix it up a bit in bedroom.
What I did was to look up number of positions that I felt I could transition into during the sexual act.
I practiced these by myself and then of course with my partners.
The transition times in between the positions was enough time for me to bring my arousal levels down.
I found this a great help.
3) The triangular breath This was a little trick I picked up from a friend of mine who was involved with tantric sex and yoga.
Initially I was a bit skeptical about the whole thing but he showed me how to use a specific technique to relax myself during sex.
The essence of the triangular breath is to breathe in for a count of 3, hold the breath for a count of three, and release over count of 3.
By doing this I was able to relax myself to the point of being able to last 5 minutes longer.
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