What is the span of goldfish memory.
Do they even have the capacity to remember? These are the questions that this article will endeavor to answer, as well as giving you some great information on goldfish in general.
Well do goldfish have a memory? After extensive research, scientists were able to conclude that the goldfish memory last around 3 seconds, depending on the breed.
You may find this amazing and also disturbing at the same time! This that every time your goldfish looks at you, it isn't able to recognize you, therefore there is no possibility of creating a close relationship with your goldfish.
Also there is another thing that goldfish owners should take into consideration and that is the fact that goldfish are going to be constantly seeing and re-recognizing the same features in and around your tank or aquarium.
If you never change the look of your tank, than this can be detrimental to the live of your fish.
You have to remember that they are living creatures and one thing that all living creatures have in common, is that they need constant stimulation to stay alive.
If your fish never has the opportunity to see something new every so often, they're brains will never grow, this is because they are only being stimulated by the same images, time after time.
Do your fish a favor and change your tank around as often as possible.
The goldfish memory is weak, however you must remember that the brain has other functions also and they have to be stimulated in order for it to keep running.
Can you increase goldfish memory? Well like any other part of the brain, it has the potential to improve as well as diminish.
Different breeds have different time spans of memory, however the average goldfish usually has a memory of around 3 seconds as previously stated.
They will never have the capacity to remember things for a great deal of time, however even the slightest memory change will increase their lifespan dramatically.
One of the best ways to do this is by changing the look and feel of your tank consistently.
Colors are one of the easiest recognized things from a goldfish memory point of view.
Therefore it's advised to add in bright colors and to change them as often as possible.
Just by making these small changes, you will notice a difference in the energy levels of your goldfish and they will generally live for a lot longer than usual.