Business & Finance Careers & Employment

Tests for Job Potential to Determine Your Strengths


    • The Meyers-Briggs test is a personality assessment that tests a person on four dimensions and formulates a personality type. The first dimension is how you focus your attention and energy. Based on this, you are either an introvert or extrovert. The second is how you take in information, with the categories being sensing or intuition; here, "sensing" means information that can be understood by the five senses and is measurable and concrete, while intuition denotes the acceptance of more abstract or theoretical information. The third is how you prefer to make decisions --- thinking or feeling. The last is how you orient yourself to the outside world --- judging or perceiving. Using the results from each category, a four-letter type is determined. For example, the classification "INFP" means that you are an "introvert intuition feeling perceptive." Using this personality type, which is an indicator of strengths, weaknesses and preferences, you can determine which careers are a match to your personality.


    • The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is the most widely used vocational test in the world. According to, the test measures overall strengths, weaknesses and potential. This is done through questions that assess interests, skills and work values --- with work values being what you consider important in a job, such as salary or work environment. The ASVAB is not restricted to only military jobs; it gives career information for civilian jobs as well. Using the results of a user's self-reported interests, skill and work values, the test suggests careers that align well with all three categories.


    • The Discover test is administered by the American College Testing organization, or ACT. The Discover identifies strengths and weaknesses, and using this information, it compiles a world-of-work map. This map organizes information about careers into six clusters: social service, arts, science and technology, technical, business operations and administration, and sales. The clusters are grouped based on work tasks. Access to the test includes the ability to search for colleges that offer the programs that the world-of-work map suggests, salary information and a job search.

    Strong Interest Inventory

    • The Strong Interest Inventory is based on the work of John Holland, who formulated a career theory that says people gravitate towards careers with similar characteristics to personal interests. The alignment between interests and careers leads to life satisfaction. The test assesses interest in leisure and work settings. For example, you may like to outdoors and run or bike. This may translate into a work environment that is more dynamic, energetic and allows for physical activity such as a retail store manager as opposed to an accountant. This information is organized into six career areas, referred to as RIASEC, for realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising and conventional. Possible careers that align with your RIASEC score are suggested.

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