Meditation is great for overall well being but can also be specifically targeted to help with individual life circumstances.
I will explain how meditation can help you get through childbirth and your first few months as a mom.
Using meditation during pregnancy can be an important part of your daily regimen because it helps to reduce the stress you go through.
When you are pregnant, any stress that you are already dealing with seems to become magnified.
Here is a meditation that can help you with this: 1.
Sit down in a chair and put your feet up on an ottoman or a stack of pillows.
Just about anything will work to put your feet on just be sure that you are very comfortable.
Put your hands on your stomach, take deep breaths and relax.
Each time you inhale imagine love flowing into your lungs, blood and baby.
Each time you exhale imagine your baby's love flowing back out to you.
Rub your hands over your stomach and each time you exhale, go mmm, be sure that it is both soft and has a vibration to it.
The sound should vibrate throughout your body and be a sound of love that your baby can feel.
obviously, your baby cannot understand language but it will be able to feel this expression of your love.
Continue with this, inhaling love to your baby and exhaling your baby's love into the air that surrounds you.
Perform this meditation daily.
Childbirth is a great time to introduce meditation because it will help you deal with the pain of labor.
The single most important thing you must do while in labor is retain mindfulness.
You have to remain totally aware through the entire experience so you can remember every single detail.
That way you can tell your child all about it, someday! Make sure that you stay aware of every feeling, no matter how painful it is.
This will help to alleviate the pain whether or not you choose to use painkillers.
Be sure that you are taking deep breaths and staying as relaxed as possible.
When you see the baby for the first time make sure that you are 100% awake and aware of every detail.
If you are emotional there is a much bigger chance that you will remember everything and it will be a wonderful story to tell your kid all about! Some studies show that stress will make a pregnancy more difficult, but the single biggest factor is attitude.
Women who had to work during the latter part of their pregnancy are at a higher risk of having babies early and with low birth weight.
This is likely due to the fact that they were dealing with the extra stress at work when they would rather be at home.
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