Health & Medical Diabetes

Children With Diabetes? The Symptoms and Possible Causes

Diabetes in kids is commonly known as juvenile diabetes and is also mainly the  type 1 diabetes.
Its the most common type of diabetes in children with between 90-95% of cases diagnosed being 16 years or under.
Juvenile diabetes is usually caused by the bodies inability to produce insulin from the pancreas.
It is an auto immune disease which causes the bodies own defenses to attack the bodies organs or tissues.
In the last 25 years has increased three fold.
In the US and Europe type 2 diabetes is starting to become more common.
Being overweight usually explains why children are becoming a type 2 diabetic.
But it cannot be properly explained why type 1 is increasing.
It is suspected that a combination of genetics and environment is what is triggering juvenile diabetes.
A majority of children do not have a family history of diabetes.
As in adults, the symptoms of children's diabetes is the same as in adults.
Frequent thirst, weight loss, fatigue, frequent urination is pretty common.
Untreated diabetes can cause serious damage.
Such as kidney damage, increased likelihood of infections, damage to the eyes.
Poor blood circulation to the legs and feet.
Damage to the nerves and feet and a significantly increased likelihood of stroke and heart disease.
  Children with diabetes can see an increase in headaches, stomach pains and behaviour problems.
If you feel that your child is experiencing any of these symptoms, you should make an appointment with your doctor without delay.
And tell the doctor your suspicions.

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