With many people looking to save money when it comes to all aspects of their lives, it's to be expected that many of us will look for the best deals on holidays and travel.
It's certainly possible to save on flights by being flexible and looking out for the very best deals.
That flexibility is likely to take a number of different forms.
It may involve you thinking about traveling at a different time of year or maybe checking to see whether you could save by flying on a different day of the week, or even at a different time of day.
All of these forms of flexibility can help you to get more for your money.
But what about flying from a different airport? Is that something that you've considered? If you've not thought about it before then maybe now's the time to start doing so.
There are plenty of great reasons to make use of the UK's regional airports - not least because it could help you to get some cheaper flight deals.
Why should this be? One reason is that the smaller airports are often being used by budget airlines and tour operators.
They're able to take advantage of lower airport taxes and other incentives to keep their prices lower.
There may be other savings to be made too.
Have you ever considered, for example, how much money you spend traveling to a major city airport in order to catch your flight? Could you actually save money by using a local airport? Many people are realizing that they can certainly pay less by using regional airports.
This is helping to see regional airports to emerge as real contenders to the major London hubs.
It helps to explain why passenger numbers are rising at airports such as Southampton, Exeter and Newcastle.
The rise of the regional airports looks set to continue.
Maybe it's time that you considered them as a real alternative.
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